HRTec is the 1st Small Business IaaS/PaaS CSO to receive a High Impact Baseline FedRAMP JAB P-ATO from the CIO’s of DoD, DHS, and GSA for its FedHIVE System.

We offer products and services
specifically designed to meet our
clients' compliance, communications,
and information systems needs.
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Secure Your Data & Apps with
The FedHIVE secure cloud service provides agencies a compliant, scalable, and secure infrastructure capability enabling and supporting platforms or software required for their business or mission success.
Purpose Built Compliance and Technical Solutions
Our experts assist our customers in finding answers to relevant questions and to evaluate outcomes. We conduct data collection through multiple modalities to gather and process information on targeted variables in an established systematic fashion.ASSESS
Our experienced and credentialed analysis team provides customer organizations with quality data analytics support empowering customers to make better business decisions and to verify or disprove compliance to regulatory and policy requirements.COMPLY
Our business process and case management solutions serve as tools that ensure that organizations are aware of and take the required steps to comply with relevant laws and regulations. Our compliance products assist our customer organizations in meeting and verifying their regulatory compliance goals.CERTIFY
We work with our customers to identify and provide certification that confirms the characteristics of systems, persons, or the organization. This confirmation is typically provided by some form of external review, education, assessment, or audit. We identify and coordinate the accreditation process and providers to ensure each customer organization realizes the best value certification process.Learn More